BRAND NEW FORD MUSTANG 2005-2014Convertible Top
With Defroster Glass window
Material:Sailcloth Vinyl
Window: DOT Approved Defroster Glass Window
Please Note that we are a manufacturing facility and not all of our items are manufactured and ready to ship in 1 business day. We try very hard to ensure all of our items are available to ship out in 1 business day however due to demand we might run out before we are able to add more into our inventory so we estimate the ship out time to 20 business days to allow us time to manufacture. If you are in a rush to receive your item please contact us before buying for an estimated time of arrival as what you see on the listing is put there by and not by us as the seller and it is an ESTIMATED time of arrival in a best case scenario. Note our ship out times will vary from 1 business day if the product is already manufactured to 20 business days if the product still needs to be manufactured.
Installation instructions: Available upon request with the purchase of the top
This is the Top-of-the-Line Ford Mustang convertible top. With the3 Year Warrantyyou will never have to worry about window failure again. And, not
only will you have years of hassle free enjoyment of your new convertible
top the improved resale value make this a great investment.
Please Note that we are a manufacturing facility and not all of our items are manufactured and ready to ship in 1 business day.
We try very hard to ensure all of our items are available to ship out in 1 business day however due to demand we might
run out before we are able to add more into our inventory so we estimate the ship out time to 20 business days to allow
us time to manufacture. If you are in a rush to receive your item please contact us before buying for an estimated time
of arrival as what you see on the listing is put there by and not by us as the seller and it is an ESTIMATED time
of arrival in a best case scenario. Note our ship out times will vary from 1 business day if the product is already
manufactured to 20 business days if the product still needs to be manufactured.
- Manufactured from Sailcloth Vinyl in original color
- Window is tempered, heated glass that is same size & contour as original
- This Top is 100% GUARANTEED to fit your 2005-2014 Mustang or your money back
- Fully American Made Using the original supplier of Automotive Grade Topping, NOT A CHINESE KNOCK OFF